Our Church

God has worked in incredible ways through His people at CWC for over 100 years! Today, we are privileged to be ministering at two campuses to over 1700 people in our services and God continues to build a vibrant, compassionate body of believers reaching our region.

“Sharing the Light” has been the mission statement of Christ Wesleyan Church (CWC) for a number of years. We believe that God has given us a clear mission to be a strong voice to our community. A voice that reaches an inter-generational body of believers with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ that empowers them to make a difference in their world.

Service Times & Locations

Join us for our primary worship services offered in The Auditorium and online:


Milton Campus
9:00 & 10:45am
363 Stamm Road
Milton, PA 17847


Sunbury Campus
238 Walnut Street
Sunbury, PA 17801

Church Online
Sunday 9:00am, 10:45am, & 7:00pm