From Then to Now…

Christ Wesleyan’s first Worship Pastor, Keith Tyler, led a special choir presentation with drama in 1992. No one knew then how beloved this ministry would become. We have gone through many changes since that choir presentation, now putting on Broadway-style theatre productions and hosting concerts. One of our biggest changes, and perhaps one of our favorites, was opening up auditions to the community in 2012. We love being able to connect with the community in such a special way because theatre has a way of turning strangers into family. We pray our theatre is as much of a blessing to you as it is to all of us here at Christ Wesleyan. We strive for excellence while never forgetting our mission: wowing with performance and surprising people with the love of God.

Christ Wesleyan Theatre Productions.....What do I love about it? It’s what God used to bring me to CWC! He did it through a radio ad. I love theatre. God knew that. He also knew where I would need to be when my father passed away suddenly only a month after we started attending. It took awhile before I joined this wonderful ministry, it took a time of healing. Most think of theatre as entertainment, and it is, but here at CWC, we are on a mission to spread the love of Christ to a hurting world through the abilities He has given to us to entertain. Through our theatre ministry, God touched me with His love. What do I love about CW Theatre Productions? God shows up in an amazing way and has blessed me with theatre family for life!
— Crystal Swope